Monday, March 23, 2009

Save Your Portfolio

By Angelo Orlando Jr.

The last year and a half has taken nearly everyone's portfolio for a loop. If you were considering early retirement and had almost reached your financial goals, you've had a bucket of cold water thrown in your face.
Most of us have seen big losses from our investments. But if you're in your late 50s or early 60s, you've probably suffered a lot more than most others have. Unlike those younger than you, you had already amassed a substantial nest egg toward your retirement -- a nest egg that you planned would last you for the rest of your life. Yet unlike those older than you, you still needed a few years of growth to feel comfortable quitting your job -- so you probably took more risk than they did.
Now, unfortunately, you may need a few more years to get to where you want to be. But the good news is that each extra year you work can make a huge difference to the quality of your retirement when you do decide to tender your resignation. Here's why.

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